Monumental United Methodist Church

1/25/21 Noonday Kevin Kwan, Organ

Noonday Concert

Kevin Kwan – Organist

January 25, 2021

The above video is the entire program on YouTube

You can watch individual selections below


John Cook (1918-1984)

Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BuxWV 223

Dieterich Buxtehude (1637-1707)

A Meditation on "Draw us in the Spirit's Tether"

Gerre Hancock (1934-2012)

Jerusalem, My Happy Home

George Shearing (1919-2011)

Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound

George Shearing (1919-2011)

Introduction to Grand Choeur de Concert (world premiere)

by John S. Dixon

Grand Choeur de Concert (world premiere)

John S. Dixon (b. 1957)

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